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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Recommended Song and Movie of the Week

Recommended Song

The song this week is for a newer band and a brand new song, the song it from As Lions, and the song is called Aftermath. This song will be stuck in your head for days. This right here is my kind of music, I love their sound, and I may just become a big fan of them thanks to this one. Plus the lyrics are awesome. I believe one member of the band is the son of Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden as well, just a fun fact.

Recommended Movie

The movie this week is one I didn't think I'd like when I first started watching it, but was surprised I enjoyed it, the movie is Nerve(2016). I figured going in it was going to be a teeny bopper annoying acting, "Unfriended" type of movie. The kind where the main actors you just hate, and they make teenagers/younger people out to be the dumbest  most annoying people on Earth. But I digress, this movie wasn't like that. The plot is actually pretty original, where you join a game from your phone called Nerve. The people running the game will ask you to do different and dangerous tasks each time. If you do it, they send you cash. All the while everyone can watch who has a Nerve account. When you start the game you think you have a choice to stop, but eventually the game controls you. The tasks become more dangerous. In the beginning you almost think this movie is comical, but it becomes a thriller by the end and I like the mix. Dave Franco and Emma Roberts do the job pretty good surprisingly as the lead cast. I say give it a whirl, the scariest part of the movie to me is that I could really see it being real considering how stupid social media fame makes people.

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