What is a human? An animal who stands erect and
walks around and talks as if they own the world. From the time, they're born, a
human is a self-destructive war machine. They kill each other by the masses,
having no regrets. Its justified in a time of war, when their supreme leader
says it’s okay, then it must be. A human is taught growing up that in order to
have a "fulfilling" life, they must get a job. But not any job will
do, they judge each other by their jobs, they make sure some who even though
they work just as hard as anyone else, they will never be looked at as good
because of their line of work. So, what does a human do to get a better job?
They spend years upon years going to a school after they've already been in a required
school for at least thirteen years, wasting their lives away, but this time
it's to get a "better" job. A lot of the time a human will hate their
line of work, even after putting themselves into way too much debt to handle, to
get that "better" job. When the less paid job workers who are owned
by very filthy rich humans most of the time, want an increase in pay, the other
slightly better paid workers will protest and hate on them. Keeping them down
where the rich want them, and where the slightly better off want them in order
to make themselves feel better about their own choices in life. But this is
only one thing they are taught to have a "fulfilling" life, the
second is to find a husband or wife, and to get married and to reproduce.
A marriage is a pointless piece of paper, that
binds those two humans together by their ever "loving" government. So,
that if they decide they don’t want to be together, the government again gets
to get involved in their personal lives. But to have a great life, one must
have a way to expensive wedding. A day where their attention needs and wants
are fulfilled when they spend tons of money for envious or careless family and
friends to watch the personal relationship go from dating to married. Then in
order to have a “normal fulfilling” life the couple must reproduce, regardless
of income, or psychological issues, or relationship issues the couple could be
having, (which one of the three is very common) they will spawn more humans
into the world, with little to no disregard for the children's well beings in
the long run. But it is drilled into their minds from the moment their young
this is the way of life. For a normal species of course reproducing is a
natural way of life. But the humans know that the world is more than populated
enough, and that cruelty is all round them every day. Even if they know they
can't afford to give a child a happy life, or that they've been through the
roughest of times in their own life and that the child very well will have to
go through the same. Yet despite all this, they still make more of themselves
every single day, not only that, they are encouraged.
Of course, the human's government encourages this,
telling women what to do with their bodies should the woman possibly want to
rid of the pregnancy from the very start. Other humans join in and will tell
the woman how to live, they claim it’s because they're "not murderers".
Yet these same people condone killing of innocent animals every day, and full
grown humans who have done them no harm. But I guess because they're not in the
same country or in a different part of their very own country, they simply
overlook it. Yes, their government has turned into a truly horrible thing,
watching the humans every move. They’ve convinced the humans thus far to carry
around small portable computer like devices, these devices have their perks for
the humans. Instant communication with each other, games, and basically anything
else you can think of. But they’re also deceived in that their devices can be
tracked and hacked, the government watching their every move.
They also questionably divide their own people into
two political party systems, the democrats and the republicans. Also, to the
humans known as liberals and conservatives. The humans define themselves by these
parties, they hate the opposite side no matter what. They think when election
time comes around, their votes count, and they have a say who becomes their
next leader. It was almost laughable at times this past year, watching it
unfold. Their government has these humans so brainwashed. The worst part is a
majority of the humans are so blind to their way of life, that they have come
to accept this way of life. They truly believe in their hearts this is how a human
Most of them miss the beautiful earth around them,
as its slowly being destroyed before their very eyes. The very earth that feeds
them, gives them air to breathe, the only planet perfectly lined with the sun
to create human and plant life. But yet they slowly are killing off earth's
animals, with little care. The more that populate the earth. The less chance,
the other species will survive. But to make a human feel okay with the way it
lives, it must feel okay with what happens to itself when it dies. Over the
entire period humans have walked the earth, they have created these religions.
There are now hundreds of them. But many of the more popular ones, have a god
that created them, and a god or "evil" being that will take their
spirit when they die to a good or bad place, depending how the human lives its
life. They believe if you follow the ways of a "fulfilling" life, you
will be good when you die. They get so passionate about these religions, they
kill others who don't agree with them, or they condemn them, by judging them immensely.
If another human does something that some of these religious humans don't agree
with, they are sure to let them know despite it having no effect on their
lives. For example, if a human is a homosexual, which nature has shown us other
animal species are known to be, they might condemn or even kill them. The
ironic part is humans try to tell each other and themselves that they are a
"civilized and intelligent" species. That's how they believe they
stand out from the other animals. Yet they condemn one another for mindless
things such as the sexuality of another human, again has no effect on the
others, they simply don't like it and that's enough for them I guess. One thing
I find quite peculiar is when a human dies, the ones closest to it will mourn
their death. But after quite some time is passed, and most of the others close
to them die as well. The human world moves on, and that human is forgotten
about. Most make little to no impact on the world in their time here. It was
like they never existed to begin with. Almost making the human’s entire life,
Yes, the humans are a bizarre bunch, they fight
with each other based on what color their skin is. Its engrained in their minds
at a young age that if one has a different skin color than you, they are
different inside and out. The humans have enslaved one another over this, they
have done horrible things to one another over this, and despite it being
hundreds of years since, they still can't seem to move past these issues. The
one thing that makes a human’s life go around, as I briefly touched on before,
is money. Money being a green piece of paper that has numbers scribbled
on it. The humans work those jobs good or bad as I also mentioned before, to
make this money. It's basically all humans care about in the long run. The more
money they have the better their lives will be they believe. Some stress
out so much over money they don't function properly. A human will start trying
to make and hoard money in their late teens or early twenties, in hopes that by
the time they’re too old and broken down they’ll have enough money to live
off and not have to go to work anymore. Their government is supposed to help
them by taking a little bit from all humans who work and they get that repaid
when they're old, for survival. But as I said their government being as greedy
as it is, is stealing their money and it's looking like some of these young
humans will work until they die. It's a sad thing really.
Speaking of sad things, its hard with all that I’ve
mentioned for a human to function normal in a society. So, to take their minds off
this life, they've invented things to make their lives more enjoyable. Such as
sports, movies, and books. The humans live for these things, they spend their
lives watching and reading about these fantasy unrealistic things, as an escape
from their dismal reality. Many humans even drink poison and use dangerous
drugs to escape the reality of their lives. These things make them feel better
for a moment in time. But in the long run the human is simply slowly killing
itself. The one natural drug that grows on earth, most humans aren’t aloud to
use, their government doesn't allow it for some unknown reason. The government
is so twisted that they knowingly feed the humans poison in their packaged and
processed foods. I personally believe it's just a way to weed out some of the
I was especially astounded at how badly the humans
treat each other, usually in a public setting they're very fake towards one
another but civilized none the less. But now they've created this social media
on their internet. A place meant for fun and laughter and memories, but is used
the opposite way. Leave it to humans to become disgusting vile creatures
online. There's no filter amongst them when they hide behind keyboards, spewing
nonsense. Yes, I do believe social media is slowly becoming a huge downfall
amongst humans. Not only do many turn malicious, but also, they're obsessed
with this. Most humans only care about this anymore. Uploading pictures of
themselves, being negative towards each other and Spewing their opinions (which
many believe should be the only one) online. They judge each other so much
based on looks, it drives some of them insane. I have literally seen some not
consume food to try and fit society’s standards.
Yes, humans are a violent, hypocritical, malevolent
bunch of mammals. One thing I found quite enjoyable was their music. One of the
few things humans do right...well some. But overall I do believe there is a
silver lining to all of this....
Just then the Captain cut him off, "I think we're
running short on time X”. X Nodded his head, he turned off the projecting
equipment, and faced his alien beings in front of him and bowed. "And
that concludes my time with the humans, and my research thus far, of course I
was based in the country known as the United States I might add". The
crowd began clapping, "Although if I might add, these humans…" he
said and looked down "I tested my experiment on them, and showed a few of
them my presentation just to see what reaction they would give me. While some
showed me great violence, many offered to tell me how offended they were, and I
had many eye rolls and sighs of disgust towards me, but despite me telling them
the truth, they were so indenial about their own existence. I never quite
understood when presented with what I think is mere facts. They still refuse to
change and will always remain this way I believe". As the crowd
started to leave after he finished, the Captain walked over to the presenter,
"Good work X. You've had a successful mission, sorry to cut you off. But
what is it you were going to say there at the end, about a silver
" Oh, well I was going to say the silver
lining is I don't see a need to take over the human's planet right now
"Oh?" The Captain questioned, "Why
"Well they're so busy fighting each other and
killing one another and their own planet, that I think it won’t be long until
the humans wipe themselves out...not long at all"
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