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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A Very Scary Christmas

               I stretched out in front of the fireplace, the small light reflecting in my eyes.

It was late Christmas eve, and all was silent, there weren’t even any flies

My adoptive parents were snug in their bed

while I sat near the Christmas tree with treats dancing in my head

Snow flew outside as fast as the eye could see

And my eyes weren’t very fast, but it made me have to pee

So I walked outside into the dark snowy night

I’m usually quite calm but something just wasn’t right

I heard a strange noise and picked up my head

I looked all around, with fear and much dread

I ran back inside to make sure all was still safe, I looked into my parents room just to be sure

But they were still there, as I tried to be quiet when I creaked the big door

I went back downstairs in our small cozy house

I tried to just relax, it was probably just a mouse

This was my first real Christmas after all

So I walked around and started to toss around a ball

But then I heard the strange noise again, it must’ve been from the roof

This time I was sure, or they’d call me a goof

I crouched behind some presents under the tree

Surely if a monster came in, I’d be the last thing they’d see

I heard more footsteps and got scared

What if I couldn’t protect my parents, would they at least be spared?

I’ve heard of that creepy beast Krampus, no it couldn’t be him

Or could it? Everything was just so dim

The lights on the tree were all that was lighting the room now

As I heard something coming down the chimney as big as a cow

My heart started pounding, what could it be

I had to be ready, but I felt as small as a flea

I saw its shadow on the other side of the wall

This thing was quite big and had horns and all!

I covered my eyes, I was to scared to move

But I should protect my family, I had something to prove

I sat up and walked towards him, bravely facing this beast

But when I darted out, this wasn’t a beast in the least

Why it was a jolly old man, no horns at all

but presents, on his back, big and tall

he saw me and put his hand over his mouth

we needed to be quiet or things could go south

he smiled in his big red coat, and patted my head

I didn’t know what to say, I had no reason to of fled

This must be that Santa Claus fellow they spoke of

He seemed really nice and had given me love

He set some gifts out for my family and me

I couldn’t of been happier, oh golly gee

He patted my head once more, and gave me a treat

It was something that tasted an awful lot like meat

He had no fear I would bite

For I am just a dog trying to do this Christmas thing right

But in a blink of an eye, he was gone right away

I assumed he was back up in his sleigh

I ran to the window, and looked for his sight

As he dashed away, with a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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